AJ White
AJ White is a poet and educator from north Georgia. He is the winner of the 2023 Fugue Poetry Prize, selected by Kaveh Akbar, and of a 2023 Academy of American Poets University Prize, selected by Tara Betts. His work has also appeared in BoudinFugueTaco Bell Quarterly, and elsewhere. AJ is a doctoral student in English at Binghamton University and lives in New York.​

The Suscitation of God

Someone has gathered together the sky—it is being folded like a fitted sheet, 
             imperfectly, into the bureau of the west. 

Someone has dropped pigment into the horizon, the way a pip of blood might leach 
             into a porridge, or some waxy needles  

can be coaxed into a tea. The emptiest vessel speaks the loudest, and the earth is full 
             of open mouths, but the sky—  

and the way the trees bend, the way the river gossips about you—
             these things are permissions for a discourse. 

And yet one remains perplexed—no one to sit you down and say that’s enough 
             for now, well done, rest

It’s just me here, sobering up slowly, day by day, wringing the damp 
             from my underclothes.  

Thinking you have arrived is ensnarement. Thinking you have arrived, 
             you may never leave out from home. 

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